Benor found his vocabulary of direct expression, in the simplicity of geometrical configuration in the early 80’s. The work in this exhibition, LIGHT AND SHADOW, is derived from that vocabulary. Leaving the organic natural grains of the wood, Benor’s formal geometric straight lines and created spaces float in nature. To the viewer, the sensitive and delicately expressed watercolor juxtaposed against geometric lines suggests wafting through the turmoil of the universe.
Benor said of his work in the exhibition catalogue, a shriek from an invisible box, at the Meguro Museum, Tokyo:
In these three wood sculptures I have created forms in which I am investigating the correlation between light and form. The pieces are constructed of teak, a material rich in color and structure. Depending on the light, there is a forming and reforming of the structures. These forms, as reflected by the light against the surrounding background reinvent themselves.
Benor is a prolific artist. He has had numerous one-person and group exhibitions in Europe, Israel, Japan, and the United States. He has received commissions for both two and three dimensional works for public display in Poland, Israel, and the United States. Benor received awards from the Ministry of Cultural and Art, Poland (‘74, ‘75, ‘86), the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York (‘89), and the Keren Tel-Aviv for Literature and Art (‘91). Benor’s works are in public and private collections internationally.